Objective: To observe clinical curative effect of irritable bowel syndrome by the treatment of burying line nearby spinal column echo area. 目的:观察脊柱旁反射区埋线疗法对腹泻型肠易激综合征的临床疗效。
Specifies the behavior when double clicking the grid row/ column intersection box or the area between column headers. 指定在双击网格行/列交叉框或列标头之间的区域时的行为。
A technology Integrating azeotropic reaction distillation and a packed column having more surface area are presented herein. 采用将反应和共沸精馏结合为一体的工艺和具有大比表面积的填料塔,由氢氧化钾制取叔丁醇钾。
Note: The value in the bracket of column of sectional area of overall shield depends on the nominal sectional area of main conductor. 总屏蔽截面拦括号中的数值按主线芯标称截面确定。
The growing feature and the prevention and the cure of water harm of collapse column in XingTai mining area 邢台矿区陷落柱发育特点及水害防治
For solving the problem, make a study of growth law and space distribution law of karstic collapse column in North China area. 为了解决陷落柱问题,文章对华北地区陷落柱的发育规律和陷落柱的空间分布规律进行了研究。
I can also hear some other folks asking "how do I get things to the Filter area or the Column area to build a crosstab?" 也有些人会这样问“我怎么把东西放到筛选区域或列区域上建立交叉表?”
The vertical stiffener connection is suitable for rectangular steel tube column that the sectional area is smaller and H-steel beam connections. 垂直加劲肋节点适于柱截面较小的方钢管(矩形管)柱和H型钢梁节点。
Only one subtotal per row area, column area, or page area can be entered in a PivotTable reference. 在数据透视表中每个行区域、列区域或页区域只能有一个分类汇总。
Cannot insert or delete a column in an area in which the AutoFilter command is turned on. 无法在自动筛选命令处于打开状态的区域中插入或删除列。
It fires in response to a click in the column header area. 它针对火灾中的列标题区域内单击。
We used one column to operate in this area. 我们使用了一个纵队在这个地区作战。
Through surmounting solves the technology knotty problem of retrieving coal column of mining area with the system mechanization mining technique. By application in mining process the effect is better. 通过攻关,解决了综采工艺回收盘区煤柱的技术难题,经过在开采过程中的应用,效果良好。
With the joint areas of three experiment members were elastic during the experiments, no long cracks appeared in the column or joint area, the main earthquake energy were dissipated by the beam hinge, it made the design goal of strong column and weak beam come true. 三个试验试件的节点核心区在整个试验过程中基本维持在弹性范围内,柱段及节点区没有出现较大裂缝,实现了强柱弱梁的设计目标,主要的地震能量消耗通过梁铰完成;
For retrieving coal column of mining area in the mine of impact pressure in the coal enterprise offers the experience, takes on popularity value. 为煤炭企业冲击矿压矿井回收盘区煤柱提供了经验,具有推广价值。
Prevention of common failings of beam column node area in frame structure 框架结构中梁柱节点区常见通病的防治
The belt rise heading is located at a karstic subsided column area near shaft collar; all 12 subsided columns found in the mine are within this area. 此皮带上山位于岩溶陷落柱较发育的井口区域,范各庄矿发现的12个陷落柱全部位于此区域。
For further verifying the correctness and utilization value of the model, the model was applied for solving wave deformation around pier column group of shallow water area, which resulted in accurate wave distribution. 为进一步验证模型的正确性和使用价值,又将模型用于解决浅水区域的墩柱群周围的波浪变形。
Analysis and treatment of settlement accident of uncovered workshop's column foundation in collapsible loess area 湿陷性黄土地区露天厂房柱基沉陷事故分析和处理
On the Packing and Producing of Cultural Kind of Television Column in the Minority Area 浅谈民族地区文化类电视栏目的包装制作
Principle 、 Development and Application of Flotation Column Producing High Bubble Surface Area Flux in Lab Scale 实验室规模高气泡表面积通量浮选柱的原理、研制及应用
Discussion of the Stability of Frame-work Support by Column in Mining Area 框支结构在采动影响下稳定性的研究与探讨
The analysis results indicate that mega trussed tube structure has good earthquake-resistant performance though the intersectional area of mega truss and corner column is the weak area under earthquake. 本文对大型支撑框筒结构进行了罕遇地震下的弹塑性时程分析,结果表明,大型斜撑区段端部,即大型斜撑与角柱相交处是大型支撑框筒结构抗震的薄弱环节。
Results In the same group, the average of length, thickness, thickness of parenchyma and pyramid, widths of column and area of left kidney was greater than one of the right one except the widths of kidney. 结果同一年龄组,肾脏的长径、厚径、肾实质厚度、锥体厚度、肾柱宽、肾面积的平均值左侧大于右侧,宽径右侧大于左侧。
The flotation performance of the flotation column with high bubble surface area flux is verified and the main structural and operation parameters of the column are optimized by investigation of the copper sulfide ore floatation. 通过浮选硫化铜矿的研究,检验高气泡表面积通量浮选柱的浮选性能,优化主要结构参数和操作参数。
It is concluded that in the water column under the unit area of free surface, both average potential energy and average kinetic energy increase with the distance of tidal wave propagation, but the former increases faster than the latter; 其结论是:单位自由表面以下水柱的平均势能和平均动能随着从湾口向里的距离的增加而增加,但前者较后者增加得快;
Engineering Practice of The Vibro Replacement Stone Column in Loess Area 振冲碎石桩在黄土地区的工程实践
With the increase in building height and span of the column increasing the loads required to meet this requirement, the design of column cross-sectional area is gradually increasing. 随着建筑物高度和跨度的增加,柱所需要承受的荷载越来越大,为了满足承载能力的要求,柱的设计截面面积也在逐渐增加。
Now the majority of house building is the frame structure in our country, and the core area of connecting beam and column is important area of structure, it is key point of transfer the load of beam to the column. 现在我国房屋建筑中大多数为框架结构,而连接梁与柱的节点核心区部位为结构中的重要环节,它是将梁上的荷载传递到柱上的枢纽。